Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Protein day

I had a lot of protein today!

Pre Y shake of protein powder and milk:


After burning over 600 calories at the gym(!!!), came home to protein pancakes and cafe au lait. Num. The blueberries are the best part.


Lunch was fabulous greek yogurt, strawberries and Hemp Granola.  This bowl made me so happy.  Plus baby carrots.






Dinner was more of the Kitchens of India sauce with chicken breast, broccoli and  whole wheat couscous.  Plus fresh cantaloupe.


Snack tonight after work!  I am eating too many bars, I need to detox from them as they are addicting!


1 comment:

Vee said...

You did great with working on the protein, in between the other. Bars can be very addicting. I just discovered that there are almost 15,000 chemicals that are NOT required to be on food ingredient labels. That's the main reason we're not eating any processed food here any more. The withdrawals are horrible, tho. Vee at www.veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com